April 2020 Archives

Annual HOA Meeting 2020 - Wonderland Lake Point


Minutes - Annual Meeting of Wonderland Lake Point HOA April 7, 2020

Present: Vera Frajzyngier, Eric Jensen, Roy & Laura McCutchen, John Bachman, Sally Yerger & Jerry Gordon, Shana & Doug Parker, Gary and Shoni Kahn, Judith Ansara & Robert Gass, Ryan Lewis & Naomi Levy, Amanda Crandall & Robert DeMar, Sola DiDominico, Wendy Zerin, Terry & John Staarmann.


A quorum being established with 13 of 14 houses represented. Ryan Lewis opened the meeting at 8PM.  Due to the Covid-19 emergency and the Colorado state-wide Stay at Home order, the annual meeting was conducted with the participants using ZOOM.


To expedite the meeting and address pertinent issue, Jerry Gordon made the following as a combined motion:


·         We agree that an electronic meeting is acceptable for this year in view of the coronavirus emergency.

·         We accept the minutes of last year.

·         We nominate and elect all the current officers to serve another one-year term, except that Wendy Zerin is stepping down as Secretary and Roy McCutchen has volunteered to accept that position.

·         We agree that the level of dues will remain unchanged for 2020 at the level of $400. To be delivered by mail or personal delivery to Sally Yerger at 915 Rain Lilly Ln Boulder, CO 80304.

·         We authorize expenditures equal to those of last year ($1200) for landscaping the Association's common areas.

·         We agree that if at a later time additional motions become necessary to modify the measures noted in this motion, an electronic meeting (using Zoom or other technology) may be called to take such action or an email vote may be utilized.

·         We agree that if, because of the coronavirus emergency, any of our members has difficulty making the annual dues payment, that member and our Treasurer may set up a payment plan. (per DORA/CCOIA suggestion)

·         We agree that our Association officers may take all actions necessary to implement the matters covered by this motion such as, for example, modifying the manner in which dues payments are collected or transmitted to our bank account.

The motion was seconded and pass unanimously. Officers for the following year are as follows:

President: Ryan Lewis

Vice Pres: Jerry Gordon

Secretary: Roy McCutchen

Treasurer: Sally Yerger


Hearing nothing to the contrary, members of the Architectural Review Committee will remain:

Terry Staarmann,   Doug Parker,    Judith Ansara

Judith suggested we send flowers to Rodine. Her husband, Stan, passed away recently. Judith offered to handle the arrangements. The flowers will be sent in the name of the HOA with members reimbursing Judith as possible.


Treasurers Report:

Sally presented the Treasurer's report for last year. It is attached to these minutes. Roy suggested we review the insurance policy to make sure it is still providing the coverages we want. Roy moved to accept the report as presented, Jerry seconded the motion and the report was accepted unanimously.  Per Jerry's above motion, we agreed that the level of dues will remain unchanged for 2020 at the level of $400. Sally said she had not been able to establish an online method for payment of dues so dues will be by check, made out to Wonderland Lake Point HOA, and  delivered in person (there will be an envelope on the front stoop) or by mail to Sally Yerger at 915 Rain Lilly Ln Boulder, CO 80304.


Jerry gave an update to his deck rebuild. The city is requiring exceptional levels of materials for decks built within Urban Wildlife Interface areas. Houses along the north side of Rain Lilly are within that area designation. Check with the city if you are pulling a permit for deck replacement. It is worth noting that if you are merely replacing the decking (floor) you may not need a permit.


John Staarmann reported on the issue raised last year concerning the height of the speed bumps. When the new concrete speed bumps were installed the request was that they be the same height as the one's removed. They are higher and some people have noted that they tend to bottom out on them. John called the company about grinding them down. The company indicated that while that was possible it would open the surface to potential moisture invasion shortening the life of the bumps. John observed cars careening around the corner and hitting the bumps, which had the desired affect of slowing them down. His observation and suggestion were that we keep the bumps at the existing height in order to maintain their useful life and to encourage drivers to enter Rain Lilly at an appropriate speed. Further discussion led to there being an apparent consensus that we should leave the speed bumps as they are for now.


John Bachman reported on the issue of the retaining wall along the western side of Rain Lilly between 885 Rain Lilly and Quince. John reviewed the surveys and determined that the wall is not on common land but is within the property at 875 Quince.


Educational session: HOA best practices in response to Covid-19 crisis and the payment of HOA dues. Presented by Rayan Lewis and included with Jerry's motion above.


The idea presented last year regarding an interest-bearing account for HOA reserves was table as the current interest rate climate sucks.


There being no new business, Roy moved to adjourn, which appeared to be seconded by everyone. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.


Respectfully submitted

Roy McCutchen, Secretary









Financial Report

January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019

Beginning Cash Balance                                  26,800.63



Dues - 14 homeowners x $400       5600


Total Revenues                                                     5,600



Sun Cat Gardening                          1200

Insurance                                       625


Total Expenditures                                              1825.00


Ending Cash Balance                                        30,575.63                                        


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