March 2023 Archives

A Special meeting of the Membership was held Sept 8, 2022 

Purpose: discuss removal of junipers from common area planters and the speed bump at the east entrance to Rain Lilly Ln.

Membership present: Shoni Kahn, Jerry Gordon & Sally Yerger, Susan & John Bachman, Terry & John Staarmann, Roy McCutchen, Sola DiDomenico, Doug & Shana Parker, Amanda Crandall, Vera and Robert Frajzyngier, Wendy Zerin, Judith Ansara & Robert Gass, Geoff Cooper.

There being 12 of 14 members/households represented the meeting was called to order around 6 PM by John Staarmann, Association President.

The first issue had been brought up at the Annual Meeting and that was the question of whether we should remove the Junipers from the common area planters because they are considered a fire hazard due to their highly flammable nature. Several people had done research including contacting the Boulder Fire Department. The current wisdom seems to be that removal of juniper bushes is something that should be done as part of any neighborhood fire mitigation effort.

The purpose of this meeting was to get a sense of the membership pro and con and how to proceed.

There was some general discussion, and a number of price options were presented running from around $5,000 upwards to $15,000. More detailed proposals behind the price options had been circulated already via email. After the general chit chat, everybody (not just one per household) was given two minutes to express their view. Then a bit more chit chat and we went around a second time giving everyone one minute to express any follow up thoughts.

There were a majority of people that said they would like to see the junipers removed. As we went around, of the 18 present, 13 people representing 8 households said to remove, though there were varying degrees of intensity. Three people didn't care and would not vote to spend money removing them. One person voted to leave them alone. And one person agreed in principle but was concerned that removal of the junipers near her house would create a privacy problem.

There was discussion about cost. Everybody was against spending $15,000. When it came to spending five or maybe even six thousand from reserves there was more acceptance, though several people started wincing at six. Sally, Treasurer to the HOA, noted that we have $43,595 in the bank; that our income last year was $6,300 with expenses of $3,400 returning $2,900 to reserves; and that we are responsible for maintaining, even replacing, the entire street, the drainage system and the planters. We should keep that in mind as currently, we do not have anywhere near the reserves to accomplish more than minor replacement of parts of the street. There was the mention of special assessment and a question of how many would opt to spend $1,000. That was roundly shouted down. Even $500 each (total $7,000) to accomplish this project was not acceptable.    

There was discussion that the current proposals are of varying description and that we need more solidly defined scope of work and costs. There seemed to be a general idea that we could get the bare basics done for around $5,000, but immediately questions came up about people wanting this or that more done than the bare basics.  There was an informal motion to gather more information and a majority voted to get solid line-item, apple to apple, quotes to include such items as:

1)      Cut down and eliminate the junipers

2)      Apply weed barrier and rock of some sort

3)      Suggestions and costs to deal with the edging on the planters

4)      Suggestions and costs to revegetate

5)      Cost to limb up two trees in the planter on the south side at the east entrance

There was also an understanding that we would look at the various options and determine what is possible now and what might have to be deferred or dropped altogether. Costs is a factor. It was pointed out that fire mitigation is a long-term process. There was general agreement to have John Staarmann do this to which Terry Staarmann voice enthusiastic approval.

The discussion shifted to the speed bump at the east entrance to Rainlilly. John noted that we requested the speed bump, which is concrete, be made the same height as the other asphalt speed bumps on the street, but that clearly the contractor did make it higher. Amanda contacted the contractor who claims we asked for it to be higher even though he was not the owner at the time and probably did not actually know. He offered to fix it for $3,000. Amanda got two other quotes that came in double that. There was some discussion about grinding it down, which several people said was not a good idea. There were comments that it is high and that you must go over it very slowly to which several people pointed out that it was apparently doing its job. Several people pointed out that we have young children in the neighborhood again and they play in the street. Some in the neighborhood who have been around a long time remember how bad the speeding was before the speed bumps. It was noted that it has been measured and is within the standards we have found. The consensus was that we should have the speed bumps and while a few people continued to wonder about grinding, the majority of people indicated no interests in spending anything to reduce the height.

Respectfully submitted,

Roy McCutchen, Secretary, Wonderland Lake Point HOA










Annual meeting of the homeowners - Wonderland Lake Point HOA     Minutes and Finance Report

May 25, 2022 

The meeting was held in the driveway of the President, John Staarmann

The meeting was called to order by John Staarmann at 7:05 PM

Present were Roy & Laura McCutchen, Jerry Gordon & Sally Yerger, Ann Cooper, Terry & John Staarmann, Gary & Shoni Kahn, Robert & Vera Frajzygier, Shana & Doug Parker, Eric Jensen, Judith Ansara & Robert Gass, Naomi Levy & Ryan Lewis, Amanda Crandall, Sola DiDominico, and Wendy Zerin.

13 homes represented; a quorum was established. (There are 14 homes in the HOA)

John Staarmann requested a consensus that we make the Wednesday before Memorial Day the official Annual Meeting Day.  There was discussion and in general it seemed to appeal to all unless some reason came up to do it another day. Someone noted that the bylaws say during the first quarter. Last year it was April 26th.  It was decided to agree on the Wednesday before Memorial Day unless there was some reason to do it at another time. There was no motion to amend the Covenamants.

The agenda was reviewed and approved.

Jerry moved to approve last year's minutes. Terry seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by unanimously.

The Treasurer's financial report of 2021 (attached) was approved and is attached to these minutes. Sally noted again that Sun Cat Gardening LLC bills oddly for common area planter maintenance, which is why it shows a logical bill for 2020 (we got billed in 2021) and a tiny bill for 2021 as we haven't been billed for anything more.

Roy moved to accept the Treasurer's Report, Amanda seconded, and it was unanimously accepted.

Election of officers was as follows: Laura moved to keep the current officers. Robert Gass seconded the motion. In discussion, John Staarmann asked if there was anybody elase that wanted to serve and then if the current officers were OK with serving another term. All indicated they were. The motion was put to a vote and passed by unanimously. The officers will be as follows:

President - John Staarman,

Vice Pres. - Jerry Gordon

Secretary - Roy McCutchen

Treasurer - Sally Yerger


Architectural Review Committee (ARC) - John Staarmann moved to accept the three-person slate of Doug Parker, Judith Ansara, and Amanda Crandall with Doug as Chair. There was discussion that for the HOA to be in compliance we have to have a committee that participates as a committee. There was also discussion about reviewing the Covenants to determine the scope of the ARC.

Educational Moment:  As required of HOAs, Roy gave a short presentation on this year's legislation affecting HOA governance. Only two of this year's bills, HB22-1137 (Transparency bill) and HB22-1387 (Reserves) appeared to have any impact on our HOA. HB22-1137 had to do with billing, covenant violations and collections. HB22-1387 had to do with reserve funds. Roy recommended that we review these more carefully at some point, but that neither looked to have much impact on our HOA.

Judith and Doug brought up the Wildfire Mitigation work being discussed amongst the HOAs in our area.  They have participated in HOA meetings with other HOAs. Representatives from the City and OSMP have participated but nothing definitive has been proposed. A lot of our neighborhoods are considered Urban/Wildland interface zones so there is a high risk of fire damage as demonstrated by the Marshal and Calwood Fires. There was a lengthy discussion about removing juniper bushes (considered extremely high-risk vegetation) from around houses and in our street planters, which the HOA is responsible for. It was decided to get three estimates for removal from planters and what to replace them with. It was also brought up that fences connected to houses and wood mulch, which many of us use extensively, are two other high hazard items.

Jerry presented on Boulder's Dark Sky ordinances. He discussed shielded vs unshielded lights and passed around a sheet showing examples. John and Terry noted the exterior light next to their garage door is a good example of a shielded light. General rule of thumb is that if you can see the bulb or the light illuminates off your property, it is not in compliance with city code. Another rule of thumb is no more than a 60 watt incandescent or 15 watt LED bulb (900 lumens) where ever the bulb can be seen. For more info we point to the web site 

Note: this is the second year in a row we have brought this subject up (see below for last year's minutes.) and it is also noted that the city gave until November 15, 2018, for all properties to comply (though that may be commercial and multi residential. It's not clear to me.)

[From the 2021 minutes: John brought up the City's Dark Sky initiative and suggested we work towards that. Roy commented that it is actually a city regulation and can be enforced with a call to the city. John and Jon commented that the worst offenders are houses in the Granary and that it was lights inside houses shining out that are the most bothersome. The thought was that, unfortunately, the city couldn't regulate lights inside. Everyone agreed to be aware of their own lighting situations and be considerate.]

We had the annual discussion about parking problems on Rain Lilly.

The final act of business was to set the Annual Assessment currently $400 a year. Roy moved to set the assessment at $450 as we have kept it at $400 for several years and may be coming up on some additional expenses should we decide to remove the junipers from our planters and replace with something else. That and just general costs are going up. Jerry seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

There being no more business, Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting. Everyone seconded the motion and made a dive for the cake, cupcakes and watermelon that had been sitting in front of us for the past hour and a half. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35.

Respectfully submitted by,

Roy McCutchen, Secretary 

Wonderland Lake Point HOA



Financial Report

January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021


Beginning Cash Balance                                    $35,890.63     


Dues - 14 homeowners x $400=$5600  

Total Revenues:                                              $  5,600.00


Insurance                                            625.00

HOA Domain                                       118.02

Suncat Gardening (2020)                     1,105.00

Suncat Gardening (2021)                        219.00

Arbor Vital                                          1,320.00

Wendy Zerin                                         206.00                            

Total Expenditures                                          $ 3,593.02 

Ending Cash Balance                                        $37,897.61      


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