Annual Meeting: April 2018 Archives

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2018 Annual Meeting Wonderland Lake Point HOA Minutes & Financial Report, March 14, 2018

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Minutes taken by Sally Yerger.  Posted by Wendy Zerin.

1.       The meeting was called to order. It was determined that 10 properties were represented so there was a quorum.  Those present are noted on Attachment 1.  

·     Motion to approve the agenda was made by Ryan and seconded by Jerry.  Motion passed unanimously.


·     Motion to approve the minutes from last year's meeting was made by Ryan and seconded by Shana.  Motion passed unanimously.

2.       Treasurer's report was presented bySally (Attachment 2.) Motion to approve made by Ryan and seconded by John and the motion passed unanimously.

3.       Election of Officers:  


·     Ryan was nominated to serve as president for the upcoming year. Nomination by Jerry and seconded by Doug. Unanimously approved.  


·     Sally was nominated to the post of treasurer by Ryan and seconded by Shoni. Unanimously approved


·     Wendy was nominated to the post of secretary by Jerry and seconded by Doug.  Unanimously approved


·      Jerry was nominated for the position of Vice President and unanimously approved


·     Members of the current architectural committee -- Doug, Terri & Judith - were re-nominated by Jerry and seconded by John.  Unanimously approved.

4.       Old Business

a)    Physical condition of our street:  

John reported that he attempted to seal some cracks in the road per decision made at last year's HOA meeting. He did seal the cracks but they reappeared.  So, he recommended getting professional assistance.  

A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Judith to authorize up to $2000 as approved by the officers for that assistance.  The motion was later amended to allow for expense beyond that amount if all members of the Association are provided with at least 5 days' notice and thereafter approve the additional expense by email or other form of electronic vote.  The motion as amended passed unanimously.

Jerry reported on two spots on the street where there is some apparent movement of sections of pavement.  It was decided that immediate action is probably not required but that if John gets professional assessment of the street for the purpose of filling cracks he will ask the consultant about these two additional areas.

b)   Trees and plantings:

Sally reported on last year's unsatisfactory experience.  Shana agreed to take on the responsibility of finding a gardener for the common planting areas.  The group authorized up to $1200 expenditure for such service, with additional expense for mulch if needed.  The motion was made by Jerry and seconded by Teri and approved unanimously.  Although a signed contract will not be required, a statement of proposed services will be generated and invoices will be provided by the service provider prior to payments. 

The issue of the pine tree adjacent to Wendy's property was raised.  Doug will arrange to have an arborist look at the tree and the group, by unanimous vote, authorized up to $500 to be used for tree trimming if that appears necessary.

Shana made a motion, seconded by Ryan, that all of us be mindful of the level of toxicity of any fertilizers or weed treatments utilized on our individual properties.  Everyone agreed that this was a good idea.  

7.       New Business:

·     Jerry gave a brief overview of 2017 legislation that affects HOAs.  He concluded that none of the legislative activity about which he reported appears to be of relevance to our HOA.

·     Ryan volunteered to explore investment options for our Association reserves.  He may, in the future, suggest some low risk alternatives to our present practice of placing all of our reserves into our bank account.

·     Everyone was reminded that dues of $400 are now due for each property.

8.       A motion to adjournwas made by Jerry and seconded by Doug.  That motion was passed unanimously.  

 Attachment 1:  Attendees at the 3/18/2018 HOA meeting

Homeowners Present:

Amanda Crandall

Geoff Cooper

Jerry Gordon & Sally Yerger

John & Terry Staarmann

John Backman

Judith Ansara

Naomi levy & Ryan Lewis

Shoni & Gary Kahn

Present by Proxy:  

Laura & Roy McCutchen

Wendy Zarin

Non-Voting Visitors:

Scott & Heidi Van Genderon


Attachment 2:  Financial Report

Treasurer's Report HOA 2018.png

Minutes 2018 Annual HOA Meeting, held on March 14, 2018

Minutes taken by Sally Yerger.  Posted by Wendy Zerin.

1.       The meeting was called to order. It was determined that 10 properties were represented so there was a quorum.  Those present are noted on Attachment 1.  

·     Motion to approve the agenda was made by Ryan and seconded by Jerry.  Motion passed unanimously.


·     Motion to approve the minutes from last year's meeting was made by Ryan and seconded by Shana.  Motion passed unanimously.

2.       Treasurer's report was presented bySally (Attachment 2.) Motion to approve made by Ryan and seconded by John and the motion passed unanimously.

3.       Election of Officers:  


·     Ryan was nominated to serve as president for the upcoming year. Nomination by Jerry and seconded by Doug. Unanimously approved.  


·     Sally was nominated to the post of treasurer by Ryan and seconded by Shoni. Unanimously approved


·     Wendy was nominated to the post of secretary by Jerry and seconded by Doug.  Unanimously approved


·      Jerry was nominated for the position of Vice President and unanimously approved


·     Members of the current architectural committee -- Doug, Terri & Judith - were re-nominated by Jerry and seconded by John.  Unanimously approved.

4.       Old Business

a)    Physical condition of our street:  

John reported that he attempted to seal some cracks in the road per decision made at last year's HOA meeting. He did seal the cracks but they reappeared.  So, he recommended getting professional assistance.  

A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Judith to authorize up to $2000 as approved by the officers for that assistance.  The motion was later amended to allow for expense beyond that amount if all members of the Association are provided with at least 5 days' notice and thereafter approve the additional expense by email or other form of electronic vote.  The motion as amended passed unanimously.

Jerry reported on two spots on the street where there is some apparent movement of sections of pavement.  It was decided that immediate action is probably not required but that if John gets professional assessment of the street for the purpose of filling cracks he will ask the consultant about these two additional areas.

b)   Trees and plantings:

Sally reported on last year's unsatisfactory experience.  Shana agreed to take on the responsibility of finding a gardener for the common planting areas.  The group authorized up to $1200 expenditure for such service, with additional expense for mulch if needed.  The motion was made by Jerry and seconded by Teri and approved unanimously.  Although a signed contract will not be required, a statement of proposed services will be generated and invoices will be provided by the service provider prior to payments. 

The issue of the pine tree adjacent to Wendy's property was raised.  Doug will arrange to have an arborist look at the tree and the group, by unanimous vote, authorized up to $500 to be used for tree trimming if that appears necessary.

Shana made a motion, seconded by Ryan, that all of us be mindful of the level of toxicity of any fertilizers or weed treatments utilized on our individual properties.  Everyone agreed that this was a good idea.  

7.       New Business:

·     Jerry gave a brief overview of 2017 legislation that affects HOAs.  He concluded that none of the legislative activity about which he reported appears to be of relevance to our HOA.

·     Ryan volunteered to explore investment options for our Association reserves.  He may, in the future, suggest some low risk alternatives to our present practice of placing all of our reserves into our bank account.

·     Everyone was reminded that dues of $400 are now due for each property.

8.       A motion to adjournwas made by Jerry and seconded by Doug.  That motion was passed unanimously.  

 Attendees at the 3/18/2018 HOA meeting

Homeowners Present:

Amanda Crandall

Geoff Cooper

Jerry Gordon & Sally Yerger

John & Terry Staarmann

John Backman

Judith Ansara

Naomi levy & Ryan Lewis

Shoni & Gary Kahn

Present by Proxy:  

Laura & Roy McCutchen

Wendy Zarin

Non-Voting Visitors:

Scott & Heidi Van Genderon


Treasurer's Report HOA 2018.png


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