Annual HOA Meeting Minutes 2013

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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA May 29, 2013

Meeting was called to order by HOA President, John Staarman at 7:21 PM at the house of Sally Yerger and Jerry Gordon.

In attendance were Ann and Geoff Cooper, Laura and Roy McCutchen, Doug and Shana Parker, Terri and John Staarman, Sally Yerger and Jerry Gordon, Wendy Zerin, Jim and Cheri Stevenson, Carol Marks, Sola DiDomenico, Gary Kahn, thus establishing a quorum.

Sally presented last year's minutes. Carol moved to accept the minutes without correction. Jim seconded the motion and the minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

The treasurer's report was presented and accepted without correction. Roy moved to keep the dues the same at $350 a year. Doug seconded the motion. In discussion, the point was brought up that we are still saving for eventual large expenses like having to replace section or all of Rainlilly Lane. There was a question of why people on Quince should have to pay for Rainlilly Lane. Besides the fact that they are legally bound to the HOA it was pointed out that water from Quince properties runs down onto Rainlilly which exacerbates the deterioration of Rainlilly Lane. The question was called and the motion to keep the dues the same passed unanimously.

The following people were elected to serve until the next annual meeting:

John Staarman - President

Shana Parker - Vice President

Roy McCutchen - Secretary

Sally Yerger - Treasurer


Jerry moved to approve the following people for the Architectural Review Committee:

Doug Parker

Betsy Molnar

Cheri Stevenson

Laura seconded the motion and it passed unanimously


Jerry Discussed the Code of Conduct presented at last year's meeting. Roy moved to approve as drafted. Wendy seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously without further discussion.

Jerry moved to spend up to $400 this year for weeding and maintenance of the planter areas. Wendy seconded the motion. In discussion, Cheryl volunteer to find someone, negotiate cost and supervise. It was suggested that it be done twice during the summer. The motion passed unanimously.

 Someone asked about the speed bumps.  John will check on them.

Someone asked about the pavement cracks. It was decided to table that discussion until the next meeting.

There was a discussion about parking. It was agreed that it is tight, but that we should all just be cool about it.

Carol brought up that her dog chain was cut and then her replacement chain was stolen. The question of forming a neighborhood watch came up but the general inclination wad that people should just be vigilant.

Under New Business:

Jerry presented a new law affecting HOA's regarding the need to have a member approved policy in place regarding the collection of delinquent dues.  Jerry will draft a policy for member review and it will be brought up for passage at the next annual meeting.

Jerry suggested we post the minutes on the web before they are ratified so people can see them before the next meeting and see what was discussed at the meeting rather than having to wait a year. It was agreed that we would try to make that happen.

Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting. Roy seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM

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This page contains a single entry by Wendy Zerin published on January 9, 2014 8:53 PM.

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