Minutes of the 2012 Annual HOA Meeting

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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the membership of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA

Held on April 18, 2012, at 7 PM at the home of John and Terry Staarmann, 945 Rainlilly Ln. Boulder, CO 80304. 

A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order at 7PM by association president, John Staarmann. The following members were present: John Staarmann, John Bachman, Carol Marks, Roy & Laura McCutchen, Jerry Gordon, Shana Parker, Betsy Molnar, Wendy Zerin, and Sola DiDominico

The agenda was presented by Jerry Gordon. It was approved.

There was a discussion about recent mountain lion sightings. The DOW was contacted and caught a female mountain lion and two cubs. It was all very exciting.

Last year's minutes were presented. There was a motion to accept which was seconded and the minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

The following slate of officers was presented to serve for the following year:

President - John Staarmann

Vice President - Shana Parker

Secretary - Roy McCutchen

Treasurer - Sally Yerger

 Laura McCutchen moved to accept the slate as presented. Jerry Gordon seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to accept the slate of officers as presented.

The following financial statement was presented for January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011

Beginning Cash Balance






Dues - 14 homeowners x $350



Total Revenues






Maintenance (weeding)






Officers' compensation






Total Expenditures



Ending Cash Balance




As the HOA needs to build up reserves for expenses such as replacing the commonly owned street, there was consensus to keep the dues at $350.

John Staarmann moved to accept the financial report; Carol Marks seconded the motion and the financial report was accepted.

There was a discussion that that the HOA insurance policy should be reviewed. John Staarmann agreed to do so (Action Item).


Bylaws review. Roy McCutchen, Laura McCutchen, John Staarmann and Ann Cooper agreed to review the original bylaws and make recommendations for updating. (Action Item)



Jerry Gordon presented new laws that might affect our HOA. The one we agreed that we need to look at is HB11-1124, which pertains to establishing policies regarding potential conflicts of interest and HOA officers, vendors, finances, etc. Jerry handed out a possible policy to consider. Members agreed to review and respond by email. (This also satisfied the requirement that annual meeting have an educational component.)

Jerry moved to spend up to $200 for weeding. Laura seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. John Staarmann will supervise the expenditures.

There being no more new business, John Staarmann moved to adjourn; Carol Marks seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM

Submitted by,

Roy McCutchen, Secretary WLP HOA.

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This page contains a single entry by Wendy Zerin published on January 9, 2014 8:37 PM.

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