Minutes of the 2011 Annual Meeting of the HOA

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Minutes of Wonderland Lake Point Homeowners Association

Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2011


The regular meeting of the Wonderland Lake Pont HOA was called to order at 7:00pm on May 11, 2011 at Ann and Geoff Cooper's house by Ann Cooper..

Present:  Shoni Khan, Sally Yerger, Jerry Gordon, John Staarmann, Laura and Roy McCutchen, Dee Simmons, Carol Marks, Cheri Stevenson, Shana Parker (proxy for Judith Ansara and Robert Gass), Betsy Molnar, Ann and Geoff Cooper, Wendy Zeerin.

A.                Approval of Agenda

Motion made by Ann Cooper and seconded to approve the agenda for the May 11, 2011 meeting. 

The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

B.        Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

C.        Treaurer Report

Motion made by Roy McCutchen and seconded to approve the treasurer's report.

Motion carried.

D.                New Business

1. Sally Yerger raised the issue that she was the only one with signing privileges on our bank account.  Ann Cooper volunteered to be a co signer and will go to the bank to sign on.

Motion was made by Jerry Gordon and seconded that Ann Cooper along with Sally Yerger  have signing rights on our account.  Motion carried.

2.  Introduction and a welcome to our community for Cheri Stevenson and her husband

James Cannon.

3.  A discussion ensued about the cracking of the pavement around the sewer drain. The City of Boulder has a Inspection schedule for drains and we would like to be included in this inspection.

Motion was made by Jerry Gordon to assign Dee Simmons to contact the City of Boulder regarding their schedule and if we could get on it.  Motion carried.

4.  Dues:  We discussed the pros and cons of raising/lowering our dues.  The majority of us agreed that the dues should stay at their current rate of $350.00 a year.

Motion was made by Roy McCutchen and seconded to leave the dues at their current rate of $350.00 per year.  Motion carried.

5.  New Law Registration Requirement.  Sally Yerger and Jerry Gordon have been researching this law and for example we are required to have a vice-president.

Motion made by John Staarmann and seconded to appoint Jerry Gordon to figure out the requirements as they relate to our HOA. Motion carried.

6.  HOA By-Laws:  We all agreed that our by-laws need a review.

Motion was made by Laura McCutchen and seconded that John Staarmann, Ann Cooper and Roy McCutchen form a committee to review the by laws and report back to us.  Motion carried.

7. Cheri Stevenson is interested in keeping chickens.  Ann Cooper will review City by-laws and our HOA by-laws regarding this proposal.  We all reacted quite enthusiastically and approvingly of Cheri's interest.

8. Emergency Preparedness:  Sally Yerger brought up this very timely subject and a lively discussion ensued.  As a first step a current list of our members with up to date contact information was proposed and Sally Yerger agreed to draw up a new list.

9.  We discussed the New Law Registration Requirement and talked about appointing a vice president.


Motion was made by Jerry Gordon and seconded that John Staarmann be elected our new President, Ann Cooper as Vice-President,  Sally Yerger as Treasurer, and Carol Marks as Secretary.  Motion carried.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm Ann Cooper.


Minutes submitted by:  Carol Marks, Secretary

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This page contains a single entry by Wendy Zerin published on January 9, 2014 8:33 PM.

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