2021 Annual Meeting and Financial Statement - Wonderland Lake Point HOA

Annual meeting of the homeowners - Wonderland Lake Point HOA
April 26, 2021
Due to the continuing pandemic, the meeting was held via Zoom.

The meeting was called to order by Ryan Lewis at 7:45 PM
Present were Jon Bachman, Roy McCutchen, Jerry Gordon & Sally Yerger, Geoff & Ann Cooper, Terry & John Staarman, Gary Kahn, Vera Fraizygier, Ryan Lewis, Shana & Doug Parker, and Wendy Zerin.
Ten homes represented; a quorum was established. (there are 14 homes in the HOA)
The Agenda was reviewed and approved. 

Jerry moved to approve last year's minutes. Terry seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.

The Treasurer's financial report of 2020 (attached) was approved and is attached to these minutes. Sally reported that we just received the invoice from Sun Cat Gardening LLC for last year's common area planter maintenance, which is why it does not show up on the financials for 2020. While the amount of $1,105 was within the up-to authorization of $1,200, the fact that we received the invoice just now in 2021 raised some concerns. Regardless of concerns, it was agreed to pay the invoice with communication that we would like invoicing to be more timely.

Jerry moved that we keep the dues at $400 a year. John seconded and the motion passed.

Election of officers was as follows:
President - Jerry nominated John Staarman, Vera seconded and it passed
Vice Pres. - Terry nominated Jerry Gordon to another term, Vera seconded and it passed
Secretary - Jerry nominated Roy McCutchen to another term, John seconded and it passed
Treasurer - Roy nominated Sally Yerger to another term, Shana seconded and it passed

Shana moved that we again spend up to $1,200 to cover maintenance of common area planting areas. Ann Cooper seconded the motion. Shana agreed to oversee the work and to communicate to Sun Cat, should they get the job, that they need to be more prompt in billing. Keeping the fire hydrants exposed and starting earlier in the season were suggestions. Shana said to email her any concerns that may pop up. The motion passed.

Shana also brought up a concern about using toxic pesticides/chemicals on lawns, trees, shrubs, etc. The consensus was that nobody in the neighborhood was interested in using anything toxic when there are nontoxic alternatives, and we would keep that in mind whenever choosing a substance.

Educational Moment: As required of HOAs, Jerry gave a discussion on signs in yards for our educational moment. He said some HOAs were passing rules against yard signs of any sort,
including politically oriented yard signs, which was resulting in the ACLU suing these HOAs. The State was in the process of trying to clarify what is permissible to regulate and what sorts of signage is protected speech and cannot be regulated by HOAs. Roy moved to state that WLP HOA places no restrictions on politically based signage in yards. Terry seconded the motion. In discussion it was brought up that what is definable as political and what is not can be difficult to determine. It may boil down to respect and consideration of one's neighbors. The motion passed.

John brought up that there is a tree on Rain Lilly Ln near Wendy's house that needs to be pruned as it is getting into the power lines and extending out into the street, creating a mess and a hazard. John agreed to call Xcel about the power lines as the thought was it is Xcel's responsibility to cut the tree back to protect the power lines. Jerry moved that we spend up to $750 to clean up and mitigate any additional pruning required. Terry seconded the motion. In discussion it was agreed that we would deal with any overruns in cost via email communication. The motion to authorize John to spend up to $750 passed.

John brought up the City's Dark Sky initiative and suggested we work towards that. Roy commented that it is actually a city regulation and can be enforced with a call to the city. John and Jon commented that the worst offenders are houses in the Granary and that it was lights inside houses shining out that are the most bothersome. The thought was that, unfortunately, the city couldn't regulate lights inside. Everyone agreed to be aware of their own lighting situations and be considerate.

There being no more business, Jerry moved to abandon the meeting. Roy seconded the motion and with barely a goodbye, everyone raced to turn off their computers at precisely 8:32 PM, thus ending another classic annual meeting of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA.

Respectfully submitted by,
Roy McCutchen, Secretary
Wonderland Lake Point HOA
PS. There was some discussion about dancing in the streets but without a champion to usher the idea along, it was tabled to a later undetermined date.

Financial Report January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020 
Beginning Cash Balance 30,575.63 
Revenues: Dues - 14 homeowners x $400 5600 
Interest Earned 340 Total Revenues: 5940 
Expenditures: Insurance 625 Total Expenditures 625 
Ending Cash Balance 35,890.6

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Roy McC published on May 7, 2021 10:06 AM.

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Annual meeting of the homeowners - Wonderland Lake Point HOA May 25, 2022 is the next entry in this blog.

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