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Annual meeting of the Homeowners - Wonderland Lake Point HOA

April 26, 2023

The meeting was held at the house of Roy and Laura McCutchen, 905 Rainlilly Ln. Boulder, CO 80304

The Meeting was called to order by acting President Jerry Gordon at 6:35 PM

In attendance were Roy & Laura McCutchen, Shoni Kahn, Wendy Zerin, Naomi Levy & Ryan Lewis, Susan & John Bachman, Terry Staarmann, Vera Frajzyngier, Sally Yerger & Jerry Gordon, Judith Ansara & Robert Gass, Shana & Doug Parker. There being 10 of 14 houses represented, a quorum was established.

The agenda was approved.

There was a motion to approve the Minutes from last year's Annual Meeting, held on May 25, 2022, and the Minutes from the Special Meeting held on September 8, 2022. The motion was seconded, and the Minutes were approved unanimously.

Sally Yerger presented the Treasurer Report, which is attached to these Minutes. There was a motion to approve, which was seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Jerry Gordon brought up that our governing documents indicate that we are supposed to elect a Board of Directors who then select officers (President, V.P., Secretary, and Treasurer), rather than the way we have been doing it for years, which is having the Members elect the officers directly.  Since the governing docs indicate a Board of three to five and we want four officers, we agreed on a Board of four.

Jerry Gordon presented the tax situation. There was a motion to spend up to $950 to hire a tax consultant to try and resolve the issue. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously without further discussion.

There was a lengthy discussion about the street and having funds (Reserves) to repair and replace as it reaches the end of its useful life. There was talk that it could cost anywhere from $120K today to $360K ten years from now and how to best address the situation. The consensus was to have another meeting in October or November and to continue doing research until then.

Jerry presented his research into contractors to remove the junipers from the planters on common land. Of the two contractors he was able to get to meet with us, one seemed better at dealing with us as an HOA. It was agreed previously to spend up to $5,000 from existing Reserves, and we decided to remove the junipers and look at weed barrier and some rock, but probably can't get full coverage of weed barrier and rock for $5,000 so we will do the best we can.

The homeowners moved to elect Roy McCutchen, Jerry Gordon, Sally Yerger, and Naomi Levy to the Board of Directors. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

It was decided to keep the annual dues the same as last year, $450.

The next Annual Meeting will be in the spring, exact date to be determined. The membership agreed to have a Special Meeting to discuss the street, Reserve Study, and funding options in October or November.

There being no more business for the HOA, the meeting was called at 7:38 PM.  

After the Homeowners meeting there was a meeting of the Board of Directors where the following officers were appointed for the following year.

Jerry Gordon - President

Naomi Levy - Vice President

Sally Yerger - Treasurer

Roy McCutchen - Secretary

The Board of Directors adjourned.


Respectfully submitted.

Roy McCutchen, Secretary

Wonderland Lake Point HOA


Financial Report

January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022


Beginning Cash Balance                                   $37,897.61    


Dues - 14 homeowners x $450=$6300 

Total Revenues:                                                            $6300                           


Insurance                                                        602

Arbor Vital                                              175

Reimbursement for Gardening                  100                             

Total Expenditures                                        877 

Ending Cash Balance                                          $43,320.61

Annual meeting of the homeowners - Wonderland Lake Point HOA     Minutes and Finance Report

May 25, 2022 

The meeting was held in the driveway of the President, John Staarmann

The meeting was called to order by John Staarmann at 7:05 PM

Present were Roy & Laura McCutchen, Jerry Gordon & Sally Yerger, Ann Cooper, Terry & John Staarmann, Gary & Shoni Kahn, Robert & Vera Frajzygier, Shana & Doug Parker, Eric Jensen, Judith Ansara & Robert Gass, Naomi Levy & Ryan Lewis, Amanda Crandall, Sola DiDominico, and Wendy Zerin.

13 homes represented; a quorum was established. (There are 14 homes in the HOA)

John Staarmann requested a consensus that we make the Wednesday before Memorial Day the official Annual Meeting Day.  There was discussion and in general it seemed to appeal to all unless some reason came up to do it another day. Someone noted that the bylaws say during the first quarter. Last year it was April 26th.  It was decided to agree on the Wednesday before Memorial Day unless there was some reason to do it at another time. There was no motion to amend the Covenamants.

The agenda was reviewed and approved.

Jerry moved to approve last year's minutes. Terry seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by unanimously.

The Treasurer's financial report of 2021 (attached) was approved and is attached to these minutes. Sally noted again that Sun Cat Gardening LLC bills oddly for common area planter maintenance, which is why it shows a logical bill for 2020 (we got billed in 2021) and a tiny bill for 2021 as we haven't been billed for anything more.

Roy moved to accept the Treasurer's Report, Amanda seconded, and it was unanimously accepted.

Election of officers was as follows: Laura moved to keep the current officers. Robert Gass seconded the motion. In discussion, John Staarmann asked if there was anybody elase that wanted to serve and then if the current officers were OK with serving another term. All indicated they were. The motion was put to a vote and passed by unanimously. The officers will be as follows:

President - John Staarman,

Vice Pres. - Jerry Gordon

Secretary - Roy McCutchen

Treasurer - Sally Yerger


Architectural Review Committee (ARC) - John Staarmann moved to accept the three-person slate of Doug Parker, Judith Ansara, and Amanda Crandall with Doug as Chair. There was discussion that for the HOA to be in compliance we have to have a committee that participates as a committee. There was also discussion about reviewing the Covenants to determine the scope of the ARC.

Educational Moment:  As required of HOAs, Roy gave a short presentation on this year's legislation affecting HOA governance. Only two of this year's bills, HB22-1137 (Transparency bill) and HB22-1387 (Reserves) appeared to have any impact on our HOA. HB22-1137 had to do with billing, covenant violations and collections. HB22-1387 had to do with reserve funds. Roy recommended that we review these more carefully at some point, but that neither looked to have much impact on our HOA.

Judith and Doug brought up the Wildfire Mitigation work being discussed amongst the HOAs in our area.  They have participated in HOA meetings with other HOAs. Representatives from the City and OSMP have participated but nothing definitive has been proposed. A lot of our neighborhoods are considered Urban/Wildland interface zones so there is a high risk of fire damage as demonstrated by the Marshal and Calwood Fires. There was a lengthy discussion about removing juniper bushes (considered extremely high-risk vegetation) from around houses and in our street planters, which the HOA is responsible for. It was decided to get three estimates for removal from planters and what to replace them with. It was also brought up that fences connected to houses and wood mulch, which many of us use extensively, are two other high hazard items.

Jerry presented on Boulder's Dark Sky ordinances. He discussed shielded vs unshielded lights and passed around a sheet showing examples. John and Terry noted the exterior light next to their garage door is a good example of a shielded light. General rule of thumb is that if you can see the bulb or the light illuminates off your property, it is not in compliance with city code. Another rule of thumb is no more than a 60 watt incandescent or 15 watt LED bulb (900 lumens) where ever the bulb can be seen. For more info we point to the web site 

Note: this is the second year in a row we have brought this subject up (see below for last year's minutes.) and it is also noted that the city gave until November 15, 2018, for all properties to comply (though that may be commercial and multi residential. It's not clear to me.)

[From the 2021 minutes: John brought up the City's Dark Sky initiative and suggested we work towards that. Roy commented that it is actually a city regulation and can be enforced with a call to the city. John and Jon commented that the worst offenders are houses in the Granary and that it was lights inside houses shining out that are the most bothersome. The thought was that, unfortunately, the city couldn't regulate lights inside. Everyone agreed to be aware of their own lighting situations and be considerate.]

We had the annual discussion about parking problems on Rain Lilly.

The final act of business was to set the Annual Assessment currently $400 a year. Roy moved to set the assessment at $450 as we have kept it at $400 for several years and may be coming up on some additional expenses should we decide to remove the junipers from our planters and replace with something else. That and just general costs are going up. Jerry seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

There being no more business, Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting. Everyone seconded the motion and made a dive for the cake, cupcakes and watermelon that had been sitting in front of us for the past hour and a half. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35.

Respectfully submitted by,

Roy McCutchen, Secretary 

Wonderland Lake Point HOA



Financial Report

January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021


Beginning Cash Balance                                    $35,890.63     


Dues - 14 homeowners x $400=$5600  

Total Revenues:                                              $  5,600.00


Insurance                                            625.00

HOA Domain                                       118.02

Suncat Gardening (2020)                     1,105.00

Suncat Gardening (2021)                        219.00

Arbor Vital                                          1,320.00

Wendy Zerin                                         206.00                            

Total Expenditures                                          $ 3,593.02 

Ending Cash Balance                                        $37,897.61      


Annual meeting of the homeowners - Wonderland Lake Point HOA
April 26, 2021
Due to the continuing pandemic, the meeting was held via Zoom.

The meeting was called to order by Ryan Lewis at 7:45 PM
Present were Jon Bachman, Roy McCutchen, Jerry Gordon & Sally Yerger, Geoff & Ann Cooper, Terry & John Staarman, Gary Kahn, Vera Fraizygier, Ryan Lewis, Shana & Doug Parker, and Wendy Zerin.
Ten homes represented; a quorum was established. (there are 14 homes in the HOA)
The Agenda was reviewed and approved. 

Jerry moved to approve last year's minutes. Terry seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.

The Treasurer's financial report of 2020 (attached) was approved and is attached to these minutes. Sally reported that we just received the invoice from Sun Cat Gardening LLC for last year's common area planter maintenance, which is why it does not show up on the financials for 2020. While the amount of $1,105 was within the up-to authorization of $1,200, the fact that we received the invoice just now in 2021 raised some concerns. Regardless of concerns, it was agreed to pay the invoice with communication that we would like invoicing to be more timely.

Jerry moved that we keep the dues at $400 a year. John seconded and the motion passed.

Election of officers was as follows:
President - Jerry nominated John Staarman, Vera seconded and it passed
Vice Pres. - Terry nominated Jerry Gordon to another term, Vera seconded and it passed
Secretary - Jerry nominated Roy McCutchen to another term, John seconded and it passed
Treasurer - Roy nominated Sally Yerger to another term, Shana seconded and it passed

Shana moved that we again spend up to $1,200 to cover maintenance of common area planting areas. Ann Cooper seconded the motion. Shana agreed to oversee the work and to communicate to Sun Cat, should they get the job, that they need to be more prompt in billing. Keeping the fire hydrants exposed and starting earlier in the season were suggestions. Shana said to email her any concerns that may pop up. The motion passed.

Shana also brought up a concern about using toxic pesticides/chemicals on lawns, trees, shrubs, etc. The consensus was that nobody in the neighborhood was interested in using anything toxic when there are nontoxic alternatives, and we would keep that in mind whenever choosing a substance.

Educational Moment: As required of HOAs, Jerry gave a discussion on signs in yards for our educational moment. He said some HOAs were passing rules against yard signs of any sort,
including politically oriented yard signs, which was resulting in the ACLU suing these HOAs. The State was in the process of trying to clarify what is permissible to regulate and what sorts of signage is protected speech and cannot be regulated by HOAs. Roy moved to state that WLP HOA places no restrictions on politically based signage in yards. Terry seconded the motion. In discussion it was brought up that what is definable as political and what is not can be difficult to determine. It may boil down to respect and consideration of one's neighbors. The motion passed.

John brought up that there is a tree on Rain Lilly Ln near Wendy's house that needs to be pruned as it is getting into the power lines and extending out into the street, creating a mess and a hazard. John agreed to call Xcel about the power lines as the thought was it is Xcel's responsibility to cut the tree back to protect the power lines. Jerry moved that we spend up to $750 to clean up and mitigate any additional pruning required. Terry seconded the motion. In discussion it was agreed that we would deal with any overruns in cost via email communication. The motion to authorize John to spend up to $750 passed.

John brought up the City's Dark Sky initiative and suggested we work towards that. Roy commented that it is actually a city regulation and can be enforced with a call to the city. John and Jon commented that the worst offenders are houses in the Granary and that it was lights inside houses shining out that are the most bothersome. The thought was that, unfortunately, the city couldn't regulate lights inside. Everyone agreed to be aware of their own lighting situations and be considerate.

There being no more business, Jerry moved to abandon the meeting. Roy seconded the motion and with barely a goodbye, everyone raced to turn off their computers at precisely 8:32 PM, thus ending another classic annual meeting of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA.

Respectfully submitted by,
Roy McCutchen, Secretary
Wonderland Lake Point HOA
PS. There was some discussion about dancing in the streets but without a champion to usher the idea along, it was tabled to a later undetermined date.

Financial Report January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020 
Beginning Cash Balance 30,575.63 
Revenues: Dues - 14 homeowners x $400 5600 
Interest Earned 340 Total Revenues: 5940 
Expenditures: Insurance 625 Total Expenditures 625 
Ending Cash Balance 35,890.6

Annual HOA Meeting 2020 - Wonderland Lake Point


Minutes - Annual Meeting of Wonderland Lake Point HOA April 7, 2020

Present: Vera Frajzyngier, Eric Jensen, Roy & Laura McCutchen, John Bachman, Sally Yerger & Jerry Gordon, Shana & Doug Parker, Gary and Shoni Kahn, Judith Ansara & Robert Gass, Ryan Lewis & Naomi Levy, Amanda Crandall & Robert DeMar, Sola DiDominico, Wendy Zerin, Terry & John Staarmann.


A quorum being established with 13 of 14 houses represented. Ryan Lewis opened the meeting at 8PM.  Due to the Covid-19 emergency and the Colorado state-wide Stay at Home order, the annual meeting was conducted with the participants using ZOOM.


To expedite the meeting and address pertinent issue, Jerry Gordon made the following as a combined motion:


·         We agree that an electronic meeting is acceptable for this year in view of the coronavirus emergency.

·         We accept the minutes of last year.

·         We nominate and elect all the current officers to serve another one-year term, except that Wendy Zerin is stepping down as Secretary and Roy McCutchen has volunteered to accept that position.

·         We agree that the level of dues will remain unchanged for 2020 at the level of $400. To be delivered by mail or personal delivery to Sally Yerger at 915 Rain Lilly Ln Boulder, CO 80304.

·         We authorize expenditures equal to those of last year ($1200) for landscaping the Association's common areas.

·         We agree that if at a later time additional motions become necessary to modify the measures noted in this motion, an electronic meeting (using Zoom or other technology) may be called to take such action or an email vote may be utilized.

·         We agree that if, because of the coronavirus emergency, any of our members has difficulty making the annual dues payment, that member and our Treasurer may set up a payment plan. (per DORA/CCOIA suggestion)

·         We agree that our Association officers may take all actions necessary to implement the matters covered by this motion such as, for example, modifying the manner in which dues payments are collected or transmitted to our bank account.

The motion was seconded and pass unanimously. Officers for the following year are as follows:

President: Ryan Lewis

Vice Pres: Jerry Gordon

Secretary: Roy McCutchen

Treasurer: Sally Yerger


Hearing nothing to the contrary, members of the Architectural Review Committee will remain:

Terry Staarmann,   Doug Parker,    Judith Ansara

Judith suggested we send flowers to Rodine. Her husband, Stan, passed away recently. Judith offered to handle the arrangements. The flowers will be sent in the name of the HOA with members reimbursing Judith as possible.


Treasurers Report:

Sally presented the Treasurer's report for last year. It is attached to these minutes. Roy suggested we review the insurance policy to make sure it is still providing the coverages we want. Roy moved to accept the report as presented, Jerry seconded the motion and the report was accepted unanimously.  Per Jerry's above motion, we agreed that the level of dues will remain unchanged for 2020 at the level of $400. Sally said she had not been able to establish an online method for payment of dues so dues will be by check, made out to Wonderland Lake Point HOA, and  delivered in person (there will be an envelope on the front stoop) or by mail to Sally Yerger at 915 Rain Lilly Ln Boulder, CO 80304.


Jerry gave an update to his deck rebuild. The city is requiring exceptional levels of materials for decks built within Urban Wildlife Interface areas. Houses along the north side of Rain Lilly are within that area designation. Check with the city if you are pulling a permit for deck replacement. It is worth noting that if you are merely replacing the decking (floor) you may not need a permit.


John Staarmann reported on the issue raised last year concerning the height of the speed bumps. When the new concrete speed bumps were installed the request was that they be the same height as the one's removed. They are higher and some people have noted that they tend to bottom out on them. John called the company about grinding them down. The company indicated that while that was possible it would open the surface to potential moisture invasion shortening the life of the bumps. John observed cars careening around the corner and hitting the bumps, which had the desired affect of slowing them down. His observation and suggestion were that we keep the bumps at the existing height in order to maintain their useful life and to encourage drivers to enter Rain Lilly at an appropriate speed. Further discussion led to there being an apparent consensus that we should leave the speed bumps as they are for now.


John Bachman reported on the issue of the retaining wall along the western side of Rain Lilly between 885 Rain Lilly and Quince. John reviewed the surveys and determined that the wall is not on common land but is within the property at 875 Quince.


Educational session: HOA best practices in response to Covid-19 crisis and the payment of HOA dues. Presented by Rayan Lewis and included with Jerry's motion above.


The idea presented last year regarding an interest-bearing account for HOA reserves was table as the current interest rate climate sucks.


There being no new business, Roy moved to adjourn, which appeared to be seconded by everyone. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.


Respectfully submitted

Roy McCutchen, Secretary









Financial Report

January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019

Beginning Cash Balance                                  26,800.63



Dues - 14 homeowners x $400       5600


Total Revenues                                                     5,600



Sun Cat Gardening                          1200

Insurance                                       625


Total Expenditures                                              1825.00


Ending Cash Balance                                        30,575.63                                        



2018 Annual Meeting Wonderland Lake Point HOA Minutes & Financial Report, March 14, 2018

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Minutes taken by Sally Yerger.  Posted by Wendy Zerin.

1.       The meeting was called to order. It was determined that 10 properties were represented so there was a quorum.  Those present are noted on Attachment 1.  

·     Motion to approve the agenda was made by Ryan and seconded by Jerry.  Motion passed unanimously.


·     Motion to approve the minutes from last year's meeting was made by Ryan and seconded by Shana.  Motion passed unanimously.

2.       Treasurer's report was presented bySally (Attachment 2.) Motion to approve made by Ryan and seconded by John and the motion passed unanimously.

3.       Election of Officers:  


·     Ryan was nominated to serve as president for the upcoming year. Nomination by Jerry and seconded by Doug. Unanimously approved.  


·     Sally was nominated to the post of treasurer by Ryan and seconded by Shoni. Unanimously approved


·     Wendy was nominated to the post of secretary by Jerry and seconded by Doug.  Unanimously approved


·      Jerry was nominated for the position of Vice President and unanimously approved


·     Members of the current architectural committee -- Doug, Terri & Judith - were re-nominated by Jerry and seconded by John.  Unanimously approved.

4.       Old Business

a)    Physical condition of our street:  

John reported that he attempted to seal some cracks in the road per decision made at last year's HOA meeting. He did seal the cracks but they reappeared.  So, he recommended getting professional assistance.  

A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Judith to authorize up to $2000 as approved by the officers for that assistance.  The motion was later amended to allow for expense beyond that amount if all members of the Association are provided with at least 5 days' notice and thereafter approve the additional expense by email or other form of electronic vote.  The motion as amended passed unanimously.

Jerry reported on two spots on the street where there is some apparent movement of sections of pavement.  It was decided that immediate action is probably not required but that if John gets professional assessment of the street for the purpose of filling cracks he will ask the consultant about these two additional areas.

b)   Trees and plantings:

Sally reported on last year's unsatisfactory experience.  Shana agreed to take on the responsibility of finding a gardener for the common planting areas.  The group authorized up to $1200 expenditure for such service, with additional expense for mulch if needed.  The motion was made by Jerry and seconded by Teri and approved unanimously.  Although a signed contract will not be required, a statement of proposed services will be generated and invoices will be provided by the service provider prior to payments. 

The issue of the pine tree adjacent to Wendy's property was raised.  Doug will arrange to have an arborist look at the tree and the group, by unanimous vote, authorized up to $500 to be used for tree trimming if that appears necessary.

Shana made a motion, seconded by Ryan, that all of us be mindful of the level of toxicity of any fertilizers or weed treatments utilized on our individual properties.  Everyone agreed that this was a good idea.  

7.       New Business:

·     Jerry gave a brief overview of 2017 legislation that affects HOAs.  He concluded that none of the legislative activity about which he reported appears to be of relevance to our HOA.

·     Ryan volunteered to explore investment options for our Association reserves.  He may, in the future, suggest some low risk alternatives to our present practice of placing all of our reserves into our bank account.

·     Everyone was reminded that dues of $400 are now due for each property.

8.       A motion to adjournwas made by Jerry and seconded by Doug.  That motion was passed unanimously.  

 Attachment 1:  Attendees at the 3/18/2018 HOA meeting

Homeowners Present:

Amanda Crandall

Geoff Cooper

Jerry Gordon & Sally Yerger

John & Terry Staarmann

John Backman

Judith Ansara

Naomi levy & Ryan Lewis

Shoni & Gary Kahn

Present by Proxy:  

Laura & Roy McCutchen

Wendy Zarin

Non-Voting Visitors:

Scott & Heidi Van Genderon


Attachment 2:  Financial Report

Treasurer's Report HOA 2018.png

Minutes 2018 Annual HOA Meeting, held on March 14, 2018

Minutes taken by Sally Yerger.  Posted by Wendy Zerin.

1.       The meeting was called to order. It was determined that 10 properties were represented so there was a quorum.  Those present are noted on Attachment 1.  

·     Motion to approve the agenda was made by Ryan and seconded by Jerry.  Motion passed unanimously.


·     Motion to approve the minutes from last year's meeting was made by Ryan and seconded by Shana.  Motion passed unanimously.

2.       Treasurer's report was presented bySally (Attachment 2.) Motion to approve made by Ryan and seconded by John and the motion passed unanimously.

3.       Election of Officers:  


·     Ryan was nominated to serve as president for the upcoming year. Nomination by Jerry and seconded by Doug. Unanimously approved.  


·     Sally was nominated to the post of treasurer by Ryan and seconded by Shoni. Unanimously approved


·     Wendy was nominated to the post of secretary by Jerry and seconded by Doug.  Unanimously approved


·      Jerry was nominated for the position of Vice President and unanimously approved


·     Members of the current architectural committee -- Doug, Terri & Judith - were re-nominated by Jerry and seconded by John.  Unanimously approved.

4.       Old Business

a)    Physical condition of our street:  

John reported that he attempted to seal some cracks in the road per decision made at last year's HOA meeting. He did seal the cracks but they reappeared.  So, he recommended getting professional assistance.  

A motion was made by Ryan and seconded by Judith to authorize up to $2000 as approved by the officers for that assistance.  The motion was later amended to allow for expense beyond that amount if all members of the Association are provided with at least 5 days' notice and thereafter approve the additional expense by email or other form of electronic vote.  The motion as amended passed unanimously.

Jerry reported on two spots on the street where there is some apparent movement of sections of pavement.  It was decided that immediate action is probably not required but that if John gets professional assessment of the street for the purpose of filling cracks he will ask the consultant about these two additional areas.

b)   Trees and plantings:

Sally reported on last year's unsatisfactory experience.  Shana agreed to take on the responsibility of finding a gardener for the common planting areas.  The group authorized up to $1200 expenditure for such service, with additional expense for mulch if needed.  The motion was made by Jerry and seconded by Teri and approved unanimously.  Although a signed contract will not be required, a statement of proposed services will be generated and invoices will be provided by the service provider prior to payments. 

The issue of the pine tree adjacent to Wendy's property was raised.  Doug will arrange to have an arborist look at the tree and the group, by unanimous vote, authorized up to $500 to be used for tree trimming if that appears necessary.

Shana made a motion, seconded by Ryan, that all of us be mindful of the level of toxicity of any fertilizers or weed treatments utilized on our individual properties.  Everyone agreed that this was a good idea.  

7.       New Business:

·     Jerry gave a brief overview of 2017 legislation that affects HOAs.  He concluded that none of the legislative activity about which he reported appears to be of relevance to our HOA.

·     Ryan volunteered to explore investment options for our Association reserves.  He may, in the future, suggest some low risk alternatives to our present practice of placing all of our reserves into our bank account.

·     Everyone was reminded that dues of $400 are now due for each property.

8.       A motion to adjournwas made by Jerry and seconded by Doug.  That motion was passed unanimously.  

 Attendees at the 3/18/2018 HOA meeting

Homeowners Present:

Amanda Crandall

Geoff Cooper

Jerry Gordon & Sally Yerger

John & Terry Staarmann

John Backman

Judith Ansara

Naomi levy & Ryan Lewis

Shoni & Gary Kahn

Present by Proxy:  

Laura & Roy McCutchen

Wendy Zarin

Non-Voting Visitors:

Scott & Heidi Van Genderon


Treasurer's Report HOA 2018.png


Annual Meeting of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA

Held April 6, 2017, at the home of Roy and Laura McCutchen, 905 Rain Lilly Ln, Boulder, CO  80304

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by the president of the association, John Staarmann.

The following people were in attendance: Roy and Laura McCutchen; Ryan Lewis and Naomi Levy; Shana and Doug Parker; Terry and John Staarmann; Sola DiDominico; John Bachman; Shoni Kahn; Sally Yerger and Jerry Gordon; Ann Cooper; Judith Ansara and Robert Gass; Wendy Zerin. With 11 of 14 homeowners accounted for a quorum was declared.

Jerry presented the agenda and with no objections or changes it was accepted.

Minutes from 2016 meeting were reviewed and accepted.

Sally presented the financial report here attached and it was accepted.

Roy presented a short report from his visit to the DORA HOA forum on Dec 14, 2016, in Denver, discussing legislative issues pertaining to HOAs. Overall there is nothing that we are not already doing and in compliance with, to report. This report serves as an educational component for our Board.

The contact list was passed around and updated.

New Business:

Maintenance of the planters for this year. Last year's person didn't do so well so we need a new person. Question of how much is reasonable. Last person ("Debbie Gets It Done") kept asking for more money and it didn't get done. One person proposed spending up to $2,000. The subject of trees came up along to east side of Rain Lilly next to Wendy's house. We should have someone inspect them and trim as needed or does it get added to deferred maintenance. Judith volunteered to get a bid from her gardener. Sally will deal with the contract. Terry moved that we proceed based on the above, Wendy 2nd and the motion passed.

Street repairs needed in front of 926 Rain Lilly. Cement is cracked. Consensus is to seal it. John S will deal with it up to $1,000 in expense. Laura moved and Sally 2nd. Motion passed.

Questions came regarding the responsibility for the retaining wall on the west side of Rain Lilly. Sally and Judith will do a bit of research to see if surveys exist that can help establish if the retaining walls are on common property on 875 Quince. Not an immediate concern but probably will need to be addressed sometime in next few years.

There was a motion to increase the annual dues to $400 as the dues have not been increased in many years and we did take a bit of a hit last year repairing the street. While our finances are in excellent shape, we are aware that expense are going up (planters) and that repairs to the street take big chunks of money at a time. Several people felt it was a big jump but it was pointed out that we have passed many years without any increase at all. Judith moved to call the question, Ryan 2nd and the motion passed with 9 yes and 2 no.

There was the annual discussion about parking and trash. Please have guests park on Quince if they can't park in driveways or the few designated spots on Rain Lilly. Please make sure trash is secured so it doesn't all end up in John Backman's front yard.

The following slate was offered up for officers:

President - Ryan Lewis, 965 Rain Lilly

Vice President - Jerry Gordon, 915 Rain Lilly

Secretary - Wendy Zerin, 975 Quince

Treasurer - Sally Yerger, 915 Rain Lilly

The slate was approved by unanimous acclimation

The following people were proposed and approved for the Architectural Review Committee:

Judith Ansara, Terry Staarmann, Doug Parker

Sally and John will get together and deal with banking account issues with the changeover.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30


Submitted by Roy McCutchen, Secretary WLP HOA






Financial Report

January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016

Beginning Cash Balance                                17,327.80



Dues - 14 homeowners x $350       4900


Total Revenues                                                       4,900




URL renewal                                    0.00

Supplies: Soil and bark                     0.00                       

Maintenance (weeding)                 850.00

Maintenance (road repair)                  0.00  

Registration                                     0.00

Officers' compensation                              

Photocraft (signs)                           66.40  

Insurance                                   625.00



Total Expenditures                                              1,541.40


Ending Cash Balance                                        20,686.40                                         





Minutes of the March 23, 2016, Annual Meeting of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA.

Association members gathered at 7:05 at the house of Jerry Gordon and Sally Yerger, 915 Rainlilly Ln., Boulder, CO 80304.  Association President John Staarmann presided.

Present were: Doug & Shana Parker; Sally Yerger & Jerry Gordon; Robert Gass; Wendy Zerin; Bob & Betsy Molnar; John & Terry Staarmann; Roy McCutchen; James Simmons; Shoni Kahn. Sola DiDimenico was represented by proxy. There being 10 of 14 households represented, a quorum, the meeting was called to order.

John started with some housekeeping by discussing the problem with differing email addresses. Roy passed around the current email list and gathered information to compile a current comprehensive list of members, addresses and emails. Later in the meeting the discussion of emergency numbers came up and Roy indicated he would add a column to the neighborhood spread sheet for that purpose.

The agenda was presented and approved.

The minutes of last year's Annual Meeting and the notes & vote from the special meeting held in August regarding road repairs were presented. There was a motion to approve, which was seconded and the minutes were approved without amendment.

Sally presented the financial report from last year. (Attached) There was brief discussion and the report was accepted unanimously. After discussion about the cost of annual care of the planters and weeding, John moved that we approve spending up to $850 this year on maintenance. Robert seconded the motion. The motion passed with the consideration that Sally will oversee to get the best deal possible within the cap approved. There was a motion by John to continue the dues at $350, seconded by Betsy and it passed unanimously.

The slate of officers for 2016 was presented and accepted by unanimous acclimation. President, John Staarmann; VP, Jerry Gordon; Treasurer, Sally Yerger; Secretary, Roy McCutchen.   

There was a brief discussion about rentals. General sense was that we do not currently have a problem in the hood as long as people communicate with renters issues of noise, security and especially parking.

Old Business:

John discussed the results of the street repairs. There was also discussion about what the city would cover due to the water pipe repair work done in front of 915 Rainlilly and a bit of discouragement in that the section replaced by the city is already cracked. Jerry will follow-up with the city on this issue. Overall, the street repairs performed by Norris are deemed excellent so far.

Jerry discussed changes and amendments to our HOA Bylaws and Covenants. As we make and approve these changes it would be easier at this point to add them as added documents rather than trying to interweave them into the existing documents. Robert moved that we proceed this way, Betsy seconded and the motion was passed.

Doug discussed the issue of water pooling behind 955 Rainlilly. He contacted the city and the developers on Broadway. Appears that the system is operating as planned and does not require any action at this time.

New Business:

There was discussion about security in the neighborhood. There have been a few incidents this past year.

Gardening and weeding was dealt with under treasurer's report

Jerry discussed new legislation at the State level regarding HOAs, but there did not seem to be anything we needed to address.

It was noted that with Carol Mark's departure we needed another person on the Architectural Review Committee. Wendy volunteered and was accepted by universal acclimation. The ARC is Betsy Molnar, Doug Parker and Wendy Zerin until such time as a new committee is formed.

There being no additional new business the meeting was adjourned at 8:09 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Roy McCutchen, Secretary Wonderland Lake Point HOA

2015 WLP HOA finacials.pdf

Amendments to Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions made at Annual Meeting of April 29, 2015.


Date of Annual Meeting:  Paragraph 2.4 was amended to say:

An annual meeting of members shall be held on a date selected by association officers in March, April or May of each year.  The purpose of the annual meeting shall be to elect officers and transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting association.  The place of the annual meeting shall be in the City of Boulder, Colorado.


Notice of Meetings:  Paragraph 2.6 was amended to say:


Notice of members' meetings shall be in writing and shall specify the date, place and time of each meeting, and shall be hand delivered or mailed or provided by electronic communication to all members by an officer or member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, or by members calling the meeting, not less than ten Days nor more than fifty days before the date of the meeting.


Selection of officers:  Paragraph 4.1 was amended so that its first sentence reads:

The officers of the Corporation shall be a president, a secretary and a treasurer unless those present at an annual meeting choose, in addition, to elect a vice president."


Annual Meeting HOA 2015


Minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA


The meeting was held on April 29, 2015 at the home of Roy and Laura McCutchen, 905 Rainlilly Ln Boulder, CO. A quorum was established with the following members in attendance. Roy McCutchen, Jerry Gordon and Sally Yerger, Judith Ansara, Doug and Shana Parker, Gary and Shoni Kahn, Betsy Molnar, Lisa Simmons, Carol Marks. Roy held a proxy from Terry and John Staarman. Shoni Kahn held a proxy from Wendy Zerin.

In the absence of John Staarman, Jerry Gordon agreed to preside and called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. The agenda was reviewed and accepted.

Minutes of the 2014 meeting had been sent out ahead of the meeting and there being no corrections were approved unanimously.

The Treasurer's report was presented (attached). Expenses were reviewed. There was a short discussion regarding landscape maintenance and also the rational (road repair and replacement costs) for maintaining and continuing to increase the reserves. Shana moved to accept the report. Betsy seconded the motion and the financial report was accepted unanimously.

Before electing officers for the following year there was a discussion about adding the position of Vice President. The consensus of the group was that we should have a VP just for occasions such as this where the President is not available.

The following people were nominated for the following offices

President - John Staarman

Vice President - Jerry Gordon

Secretary - Roy McCutchen

Treasurer - Sally Yerger

There being no additional nominations the slate was put to a vote and passed unanimously.

Judith moved to keep the same people on the Architectural Review Committee. Shana seconded the motion and the motion passed to keep the committee the same: Doug Parker, Betsy Molnar and Cheri Stevenson.

Old Business

Street Repairs:     Sally, John and Gary have all done research on what is needed and some estimates have been obtained. Gary talked with a representative from Keene Concrete who came over and looked at the street. His opinion was that the street was in fairly good condition and that we should focus on sealing cracks as they appeared using a special epoxy based material that Gary will look into further. Sally's research indicated that we should look into replacing the panel around the manhole as that concrete was probably poured too thin as was the case on Quince. There was a question as to whether it was better to replace the panel or keep sealing. Unfortunately, John was not available to present his findings. The consensus was to wait for John to return as he has done a lot of research and to continue assembling information and present information to the membership via email to determine a plan of action.

Drainage:    A concern was voiced about the additional construction going on in what was thought to be wet lands to the east and north of our subdivision. Doug agreed to check with the City to determine who is responsible for assuring that drainage is effective. There is a concern that we may be responsible for the drainage from Raililly Ln, but how do we assure that if developers outside of our boundaries create problems.

Judith related that they have been having issues with water in their basement and Betsy commented that they have been having issues also resulting in their sump pump running almost continuously. It was suggested that neighbors communicate water issues to keep tabs on what is happening. [It's possible that there have been changes in the water table since the floods of 2013 and it's possible that additional development outside our boundaries could also affect the water table.]

Landscape Maintenance:  Sally reported on the work done last year by Debby Wilson and Debby's proposal for this year. She estimated 4 to 5 hours per month for four months at $25 an hour. Judith moved that we retain Debby for the coming year, but at a maximum of $400 for the summer. Betsy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

HOA Documents Update Project: Jerry reported on the status of our updating project. (See attached report.) It was agreed to leave the Covenants for now as the couple of small changes were moot and we should wait until we have a more comprehensive package of updates due to the voting and refiling requirements. Regarding the By Laws, Shoni moved and Carol seconded to change the three issues noted in the report with the addition of May as an acceptable month for the annual meeting (i, Date of Annual Meeting: Paragraph 2.4) The motion carried unanimously. Roy and Jerry will make those changes to the By Laws and repost them on the HOA web site.  

New Business

Dues for the coming year:   Sally moved that we keep the dues at their current level of $350. Betsy seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Shoni and Gary requested that the membership consider a motion to adjust their dues on the basis that their property does not border at any point the street, Rainlilly Ln, and they derive no benefit from same. The street is an asset owned by the HOA and its repair, maintenance and replacement are the primary reasons we are building financial reserves. (The complete text of their request is attached.) [There appeared to be a motion which was seconded though during discussion it was rescinded by the person making the motion on the grounds that it was really more of a discussion topic to be followed up at some future date with a possible motion.]  While many at the meeting expressed sympathy with the situation, there seemed to be a general consensus that for one reason or another, there was little that could be done. The Covenants are clear that everyone has to pay the same regardless of use (section 4.3 (d)). There was a question whether it is even legal within the CCICA to set different assessments based on usage or proximity to common areas and while we are not currently legally subject to that act we follow it voluntarily and any changes to our Covenants might make us subject to the act anyway. Several people voiced a lack of interest in incurring the legal costs to research the issue. It was also pointed out that the motion as presented was too vague to really act on at which point it was decide that it was really a discussion not a motion. Gary and Shoni will continue to look into the idea and decide if there is a motion they can place before the membership at a future date.

Judith's discussion: Judith suggested that the neighborhood engage it more fun activities and agreed to investigate options for neighborhood gatherings. She also proposed and offered to develop a resource sharing inventory for the neighborhood.

There being no additional new business or discussion the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 by unanimous acclamation.

These notes respectfully submitted,

Roy McCutchen, Secretary

Wonderland Lake Point HOA



Annual Meeting of the HOA 2014


Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA March 6, 2014

Meeting was called to order by HOA President, John Staarman at 7:09 PM at the house of Ann Cooper.

Present were Ann Cooper, Roy McCutchen, Robert Gass and Judith Ansara, Doug and Shana Parker, Terri and John Staarman, Sally Yerger and Jerry Gordon, Wendy Zerin (proxy), Carol Marks, Shoni and Gary Kahn, Sola DiDomenico, Betsy and Bob Molnar, Carter Simmons (observing for James and Lisa, 965 Rainlilly) thus establishing a quorum.

The agenda was presented for approval. Ann motioned to approve; Judith seconded; the agenda was approved without descent.

The minutes from the 2013 meeting were presented for approval. Jerry noted that on page 2, first paragraph the language should be changed to "Jerry presented a draft, Policy on assessments and collection of delinquent payments, to be discussed and adopted at the next meeting (2014)." Ann moved to accept as corrected. Robert seconded the motion and the minutes passed unanimously.

Sally presented the treasurer's report. It was noted that the HOA has accumulated substantial reserves. The logic behind accumulating reserves is to prepare for the eventuality of having to replace sections of or the entire street, which is owned by the HOA.  It is likely that the HOA will need to borrow when the time comes, but accumulating funds know will reduce the amount of borrowing. This results in the current users bearing the cost of future repairs during the time they are using the facility.

The following people were elected to serve until the next annual meeting:

John Staarman - president

Roy McCutchen - Secretary

Sally Yerger - Treasurer

(It appears we did not elect a V.P.)

[It appears we did not designate a new slate of members to the Architectural Review Committee. Typically, when that happens the committee from the prior year continues to serve until a new committee group is formed. Hence, Doug Parker, Betsy Molnar, Cheri Stevenson would continue to serve until the 2015 meeting.]


Jerry submitted the draft of the Wonderland Lake Point Home Owners Association Policy on Assessments. Roy moved to accept it as drafted. Robert seconded the motion and it passed unanimously without discussion.

There was the annual discussion about how we need to review and rewrite the covenants and bylaws of the HOA. Jerry, Roy and John will pursue this project. Jerry suggested we take it in small parts rather than trying to wrap ourselves around it in its entirety. Everyone agreed that this was a superior idea.

John moved that we approve keeping the dues at $350. Roy seconded the motion. Of those members present 9 voted to keep the dues at their current level. One member voted against the motion. The motion passed.

John recommended spending $500 on street maintenance. There was discussion about spending upwards of $20 and hour to maintain the planters this year. There was general consensus for these expenses.


There doesn't seem to be much of anything new on the State legislative front that affects the HOA.

The subject of temporary rentals came up (Airbnb, VRBO, ETC) In anticipation of this subject, Jerry did a bit of research and had a report ready to pass out. That report becomes a part of these minutes. There was a great deal of discussion some of which was passionate. It would appear clear that the city's zoning laws do not provide for short term rentals of less than one month in a neighborhood such as ours. There was no consensus as how to approach this issue as an association. As an editorial introduction, Jerry advised strongly against the HOA voting to enforce the city's codes on the basis that it will be extremely divisive and that sentiment was voiced by others. It was noted that the HOA didn't need to vote to enforce the city's codes; they are the city's laws and the city is perfectly capable of enforcing its laws if it moves to do so. Several people pointed out that the problem could be mitigated if people kept a tighter rein on those that they lent their house to as the bottom line for them was maintaining the quality of the neighborhood. Others were adamant for adherence to city zoning laws. The issue is complicated (as the City is discovering) and generally there were those that said everyone should comply with current code and there were some that felt the code could be bent if it didn't lead to issues. Of course the subject would not have come up if there had not been issues already. The discussion was terminated without any action being taken.

On a final note before adjourning, there was a letter from a member requesting that we not use email for sensitive discussions.

There being no more business, Jerry moved we adjourn, Robert seconded the motion and the meeting was call at 8:20 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Roy McCutchen, Secretary

Wonderland Lake Point HOA

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