Annual Meeting of the HOA 2016 wt finance report and 2015 amendments

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Minutes of the March 23, 2016, Annual Meeting of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA.

Association members gathered at 7:05 at the house of Jerry Gordon and Sally Yerger, 915 Rainlilly Ln., Boulder, CO 80304.  Association President John Staarmann presided.

Present were: Doug & Shana Parker; Sally Yerger & Jerry Gordon; Robert Gass; Wendy Zerin; Bob & Betsy Molnar; John & Terry Staarmann; Roy McCutchen; James Simmons; Shoni Kahn. Sola DiDimenico was represented by proxy. There being 10 of 14 households represented, a quorum, the meeting was called to order.

John started with some housekeeping by discussing the problem with differing email addresses. Roy passed around the current email list and gathered information to compile a current comprehensive list of members, addresses and emails. Later in the meeting the discussion of emergency numbers came up and Roy indicated he would add a column to the neighborhood spread sheet for that purpose.

The agenda was presented and approved.

The minutes of last year's Annual Meeting and the notes & vote from the special meeting held in August regarding road repairs were presented. There was a motion to approve, which was seconded and the minutes were approved without amendment.

Sally presented the financial report from last year. (Attached) There was brief discussion and the report was accepted unanimously. After discussion about the cost of annual care of the planters and weeding, John moved that we approve spending up to $850 this year on maintenance. Robert seconded the motion. The motion passed with the consideration that Sally will oversee to get the best deal possible within the cap approved. There was a motion by John to continue the dues at $350, seconded by Betsy and it passed unanimously.

The slate of officers for 2016 was presented and accepted by unanimous acclimation. President, John Staarmann; VP, Jerry Gordon; Treasurer, Sally Yerger; Secretary, Roy McCutchen.   

There was a brief discussion about rentals. General sense was that we do not currently have a problem in the hood as long as people communicate with renters issues of noise, security and especially parking.

Old Business:

John discussed the results of the street repairs. There was also discussion about what the city would cover due to the water pipe repair work done in front of 915 Rainlilly and a bit of discouragement in that the section replaced by the city is already cracked. Jerry will follow-up with the city on this issue. Overall, the street repairs performed by Norris are deemed excellent so far.

Jerry discussed changes and amendments to our HOA Bylaws and Covenants. As we make and approve these changes it would be easier at this point to add them as added documents rather than trying to interweave them into the existing documents. Robert moved that we proceed this way, Betsy seconded and the motion was passed.

Doug discussed the issue of water pooling behind 955 Rainlilly. He contacted the city and the developers on Broadway. Appears that the system is operating as planned and does not require any action at this time.

New Business:

There was discussion about security in the neighborhood. There have been a few incidents this past year.

Gardening and weeding was dealt with under treasurer's report

Jerry discussed new legislation at the State level regarding HOAs, but there did not seem to be anything we needed to address.

It was noted that with Carol Mark's departure we needed another person on the Architectural Review Committee. Wendy volunteered and was accepted by universal acclimation. The ARC is Betsy Molnar, Doug Parker and Wendy Zerin until such time as a new committee is formed.

There being no additional new business the meeting was adjourned at 8:09 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Roy McCutchen, Secretary Wonderland Lake Point HOA

2015 WLP HOA finacials.pdf

Amendments to Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions made at Annual Meeting of April 29, 2015.


Date of Annual Meeting:  Paragraph 2.4 was amended to say:

An annual meeting of members shall be held on a date selected by association officers in March, April or May of each year.  The purpose of the annual meeting shall be to elect officers and transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting association.  The place of the annual meeting shall be in the City of Boulder, Colorado.


Notice of Meetings:  Paragraph 2.6 was amended to say:


Notice of members' meetings shall be in writing and shall specify the date, place and time of each meeting, and shall be hand delivered or mailed or provided by electronic communication to all members by an officer or member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, or by members calling the meeting, not less than ten Days nor more than fifty days before the date of the meeting.


Selection of officers:  Paragraph 4.1 was amended so that its first sentence reads:

The officers of the Corporation shall be a president, a secretary and a treasurer unless those present at an annual meeting choose, in addition, to elect a vice president."


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This page contains a single entry by Wendy Zerin published on January 24, 2017 1:27 PM.

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