Annual Meeting HOA 2015

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Minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA


The meeting was held on April 29, 2015 at the home of Roy and Laura McCutchen, 905 Rainlilly Ln Boulder, CO. A quorum was established with the following members in attendance. Roy McCutchen, Jerry Gordon and Sally Yerger, Judith Ansara, Doug and Shana Parker, Gary and Shoni Kahn, Betsy Molnar, Lisa Simmons, Carol Marks. Roy held a proxy from Terry and John Staarman. Shoni Kahn held a proxy from Wendy Zerin.

In the absence of John Staarman, Jerry Gordon agreed to preside and called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. The agenda was reviewed and accepted.

Minutes of the 2014 meeting had been sent out ahead of the meeting and there being no corrections were approved unanimously.

The Treasurer's report was presented (attached). Expenses were reviewed. There was a short discussion regarding landscape maintenance and also the rational (road repair and replacement costs) for maintaining and continuing to increase the reserves. Shana moved to accept the report. Betsy seconded the motion and the financial report was accepted unanimously.

Before electing officers for the following year there was a discussion about adding the position of Vice President. The consensus of the group was that we should have a VP just for occasions such as this where the President is not available.

The following people were nominated for the following offices

President - John Staarman

Vice President - Jerry Gordon

Secretary - Roy McCutchen

Treasurer - Sally Yerger

There being no additional nominations the slate was put to a vote and passed unanimously.

Judith moved to keep the same people on the Architectural Review Committee. Shana seconded the motion and the motion passed to keep the committee the same: Doug Parker, Betsy Molnar and Cheri Stevenson.

Old Business

Street Repairs:     Sally, John and Gary have all done research on what is needed and some estimates have been obtained. Gary talked with a representative from Keene Concrete who came over and looked at the street. His opinion was that the street was in fairly good condition and that we should focus on sealing cracks as they appeared using a special epoxy based material that Gary will look into further. Sally's research indicated that we should look into replacing the panel around the manhole as that concrete was probably poured too thin as was the case on Quince. There was a question as to whether it was better to replace the panel or keep sealing. Unfortunately, John was not available to present his findings. The consensus was to wait for John to return as he has done a lot of research and to continue assembling information and present information to the membership via email to determine a plan of action.

Drainage:    A concern was voiced about the additional construction going on in what was thought to be wet lands to the east and north of our subdivision. Doug agreed to check with the City to determine who is responsible for assuring that drainage is effective. There is a concern that we may be responsible for the drainage from Raililly Ln, but how do we assure that if developers outside of our boundaries create problems.

Judith related that they have been having issues with water in their basement and Betsy commented that they have been having issues also resulting in their sump pump running almost continuously. It was suggested that neighbors communicate water issues to keep tabs on what is happening. [It's possible that there have been changes in the water table since the floods of 2013 and it's possible that additional development outside our boundaries could also affect the water table.]

Landscape Maintenance:  Sally reported on the work done last year by Debby Wilson and Debby's proposal for this year. She estimated 4 to 5 hours per month for four months at $25 an hour. Judith moved that we retain Debby for the coming year, but at a maximum of $400 for the summer. Betsy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

HOA Documents Update Project: Jerry reported on the status of our updating project. (See attached report.) It was agreed to leave the Covenants for now as the couple of small changes were moot and we should wait until we have a more comprehensive package of updates due to the voting and refiling requirements. Regarding the By Laws, Shoni moved and Carol seconded to change the three issues noted in the report with the addition of May as an acceptable month for the annual meeting (i, Date of Annual Meeting: Paragraph 2.4) The motion carried unanimously. Roy and Jerry will make those changes to the By Laws and repost them on the HOA web site.  

New Business

Dues for the coming year:   Sally moved that we keep the dues at their current level of $350. Betsy seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Shoni and Gary requested that the membership consider a motion to adjust their dues on the basis that their property does not border at any point the street, Rainlilly Ln, and they derive no benefit from same. The street is an asset owned by the HOA and its repair, maintenance and replacement are the primary reasons we are building financial reserves. (The complete text of their request is attached.) [There appeared to be a motion which was seconded though during discussion it was rescinded by the person making the motion on the grounds that it was really more of a discussion topic to be followed up at some future date with a possible motion.]  While many at the meeting expressed sympathy with the situation, there seemed to be a general consensus that for one reason or another, there was little that could be done. The Covenants are clear that everyone has to pay the same regardless of use (section 4.3 (d)). There was a question whether it is even legal within the CCICA to set different assessments based on usage or proximity to common areas and while we are not currently legally subject to that act we follow it voluntarily and any changes to our Covenants might make us subject to the act anyway. Several people voiced a lack of interest in incurring the legal costs to research the issue. It was also pointed out that the motion as presented was too vague to really act on at which point it was decide that it was really a discussion not a motion. Gary and Shoni will continue to look into the idea and decide if there is a motion they can place before the membership at a future date.

Judith's discussion: Judith suggested that the neighborhood engage it more fun activities and agreed to investigate options for neighborhood gatherings. She also proposed and offered to develop a resource sharing inventory for the neighborhood.

There being no additional new business or discussion the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 by unanimous acclamation.

These notes respectfully submitted,

Roy McCutchen, Secretary

Wonderland Lake Point HOA



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This page contains a single entry by Wendy Zerin published on January 24, 2017 1:24 PM.

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