Annual Meeting Minutes: March 2008 Archives

Minutes of the Annual Meeting Jan 16, 2008

Rainlily HOA Meeting, January 16, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7pm.

Present:  Lisa Simmons, Roy McCutchen, Wendy Zerin,  Sally Yerger,  Shoni & Gary Kahn, Melissa & Terry Stuart , Ann Cooper, Carol Marks, John Bachman, John Staarman, Sola DiDomenico

Terry opened the meeting and Sally gave the Treasurer's Report about which there was no discussion.

The planter in front of the Cooper's house, it was agreed, is a dead issue.

Sally gave a report regarding new homeowner's laws and how they impacted our HOA.

Action Item:  It was agreed that the Secretary of State should be informed that we are a non-profit organization.  And are we in good standing?

Action Item:  To explore the creation of a Web Site where all our information would be posted.

Motion:  John Staarman made a motion to approve funding of $150.00 for Roy McCutchen to build a Web Site where our HOA information could be posted.  Seconded by Sally Yerger.  Carried.

Motion:  Sally Yerger made a motion that the condition of the street be assessed in the Spring and that John Staarman  make a recommendation to the Hoa about the condition of the same.  Seconded by Terry Stuart.  Carried.

A discussion about the proposed development at 4051 Broadway led John Staarman to propose that if we have any concerns about it now is the time to write letters.

The meeting closed at 8:20 pm.

Carol Marks, HOA Secretary

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