Annual Meeting Minutes: June 2017 Archives

Annual Meeting of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA

Held April 6, 2017, at the home of Roy and Laura McCutchen, 905 Rain Lilly Ln, Boulder, CO  80304

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by the president of the association, John Staarmann.

The following people were in attendance: Roy and Laura McCutchen; Ryan Lewis and Naomi Levy; Shana and Doug Parker; Terry and John Staarmann; Sola DiDominico; John Bachman; Shoni Kahn; Sally Yerger and Jerry Gordon; Ann Cooper; Judith Ansara and Robert Gass; Wendy Zerin. With 11 of 14 homeowners accounted for a quorum was declared.

Jerry presented the agenda and with no objections or changes it was accepted.

Minutes from 2016 meeting were reviewed and accepted.

Sally presented the financial report here attached and it was accepted.

Roy presented a short report from his visit to the DORA HOA forum on Dec 14, 2016, in Denver, discussing legislative issues pertaining to HOAs. Overall there is nothing that we are not already doing and in compliance with, to report. This report serves as an educational component for our Board.

The contact list was passed around and updated.

New Business:

Maintenance of the planters for this year. Last year's person didn't do so well so we need a new person. Question of how much is reasonable. Last person ("Debbie Gets It Done") kept asking for more money and it didn't get done. One person proposed spending up to $2,000. The subject of trees came up along to east side of Rain Lilly next to Wendy's house. We should have someone inspect them and trim as needed or does it get added to deferred maintenance. Judith volunteered to get a bid from her gardener. Sally will deal with the contract. Terry moved that we proceed based on the above, Wendy 2nd and the motion passed.

Street repairs needed in front of 926 Rain Lilly. Cement is cracked. Consensus is to seal it. John S will deal with it up to $1,000 in expense. Laura moved and Sally 2nd. Motion passed.

Questions came regarding the responsibility for the retaining wall on the west side of Rain Lilly. Sally and Judith will do a bit of research to see if surveys exist that can help establish if the retaining walls are on common property on 875 Quince. Not an immediate concern but probably will need to be addressed sometime in next few years.

There was a motion to increase the annual dues to $400 as the dues have not been increased in many years and we did take a bit of a hit last year repairing the street. While our finances are in excellent shape, we are aware that expense are going up (planters) and that repairs to the street take big chunks of money at a time. Several people felt it was a big jump but it was pointed out that we have passed many years without any increase at all. Judith moved to call the question, Ryan 2nd and the motion passed with 9 yes and 2 no.

There was the annual discussion about parking and trash. Please have guests park on Quince if they can't park in driveways or the few designated spots on Rain Lilly. Please make sure trash is secured so it doesn't all end up in John Backman's front yard.

The following slate was offered up for officers:

President - Ryan Lewis, 965 Rain Lilly

Vice President - Jerry Gordon, 915 Rain Lilly

Secretary - Wendy Zerin, 975 Quince

Treasurer - Sally Yerger, 915 Rain Lilly

The slate was approved by unanimous acclimation

The following people were proposed and approved for the Architectural Review Committee:

Judith Ansara, Terry Staarmann, Doug Parker

Sally and John will get together and deal with banking account issues with the changeover.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30


Submitted by Roy McCutchen, Secretary WLP HOA






Financial Report

January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016

Beginning Cash Balance                                17,327.80



Dues - 14 homeowners x $350       4900


Total Revenues                                                       4,900




URL renewal                                    0.00

Supplies: Soil and bark                     0.00                       

Maintenance (weeding)                 850.00

Maintenance (road repair)                  0.00  

Registration                                     0.00

Officers' compensation                              

Photocraft (signs)                           66.40  

Insurance                                   625.00



Total Expenditures                                              1,541.40


Ending Cash Balance                                        20,686.40                                         





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