Annual Meeting Minutes: April 2010 Archives

The annual meeting of the Wonderland Lake Point HOA was held on March 11, 2010 at the home of Sally Yerger

Here are the minutes as submitted by Carol:

Wonderland Lake Point Assoc. HOA Meeting

Present:  Laura McCuthceon, Shoni Kahn, John Staarmann, Terry Staarmann, Dee Simmons, Robert, Gass, Betsy Molinero,  Bob Molinero,  Sally Yerger, Jerry Gordon, Shana Parker, Doug parker, Sola DiDomenico, Carol Marks.

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm.  The meeting was held at the home of Sally Yerger and Jerry Gordon.

Sally read the Treasurer's report .Motion was made by Laura McCutcheon to accept the report as read.  Sola seconded the motion.

Ann Copper was not present so Sally agreed to chair the meeting. Discussion ensued regarding the state of the road repair that we had done last year. The fill that was put into the cracks is coming apart.  The estimate to repair the road was $6200.00. Motion was made that we raise the dues to $350.00 and escrow the money to hold in reserve and earmark for street repairs.  Seconded by Robert Gass.  Motion carried.

Motion made by Jerry Gordon that we place raising of dues on the agenda for next year. Seconded by Laura McCutcheon.  Carried.

Doug Parker had brought an infra red camera to the meeting and explained that Xcel will do an energy audit for $140.00.  He also informed us about the Climate Smart Program.

Discussion took place regarding snow plowing the street and looking into de-icing compounds that would help us with the really treacherous condition of the street during the winter months.

Motion to retain Sally as Treasurer, Carol as Secretary and Ann as President was made by John Staarmann.  Seconded by Sola.  Carried.

 The meeting closed at 8:15 pm.



I expect that all the dues will be in within the next two weeks.  Then we can start to get bids for the street repair. 



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